Centrally Deployed Templates Solution (CDTS)



What is the Centrally Deployed Templates Solution (CDTS)?

The purpose of the CDTS is essentially to deliver the presentation layer of the Canada.ca theme or Intranet.canada.ca theme to web assets. It decouples the presentation layer from the business logic of a static website or web application and allows rapid updates across multiple networks.

The CDTS will help you meet the target option on the maturity model presented by Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) for the Web Renewal Initiative (WRI). Easily implement the following:

  • Keep pace with the frequency of Canada.ca updates;
    • Implement updates within the required narrow time frames;
    • Reduce ongoing development and maintenance costs;
    • Ensure Canada.ca requirements are implemented consistently;
    • Enable centralized management of the presentation layer of all web assets by December 31st 2017 with centrally deployed templates.
  • Aligned to Government of Canada (GoC) WRI
  • Aligned to Canada.ca Look and Feel (Information Architecture standard)
  • Includes “versioning” process for Web Experience Toolkit (WET) updates

Which CDTS version is right for me?

Before you go through the decision tree, please register for the CDTS. It's important you register so that you receive any announcements concerning the CDTS! In the decision tree below, the following questions will be asked:

CDTS version selection decision tree.

Please see below for the results of your decision tree. We suggest you consult the main implementation pages (GCWeb / GCIntranet) first, the links below will guide you to the quick implementation checklists.

Are you starting from scratch? Are you migrating your old web asset or application? The Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) Solutions Design Services (SDS) team has created .NET and JAVA templates that are ready to go for any of the above options! For more information, visit the CDTS .NET/Java template guide.

Register for the CDTS

Other Government of Canada departments

Please email the CDTS' generic inbox at NC-SGDC-CDTS-GD@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca to register and receive updates.

ESDC department

It is very important that before you start using the CDTS you must register your participation with the Web Standards Centre of Expertise (WS CoE). The WS CoE is responsible for managing the CDTS and the contacts of all web assets who will be using the CDTS. Please email the CDTS' generic inbox at NC-SGDC-CDTS-GD@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca with the following information:

  • Web asset name and URL(s)
  • Primary contact for CDTS updates including email address
  • Application distribution list

Who uses the CDTS?

The CDTS-enabled web assets (only available from within the Government of Canada firewall) page contains a list of web assets with the CDTS enabled in a production environment. If you have implemented the CDTS please update the page with the URL.

Current CDTS supported versions

Currently-supported versions of the CDTS are based on the following versions of WET:

Are you using an older version of the CDTS? Older versions will still work but they will not receive any updates to the Canada.ca theme or any fixes related to the WET.

Supported Dependencies

Supported Dependencies Version Map
WET-BOEW GC Web GC Intranet CDTS DotNetTemplates JavaTemplates
v4.0.81 v15.2.0 v4.0.27 v5.0.2 v5.0.4/v2.12.0 v4.0.3/v2.7.3
v4.0.79 v15.0.0 v4.0.27 v5.0.1 v5.0.3 v4.0.2
v4.0.70.1 v13.10.1 v4.0.27 v5.0.0 v5.0.0/v2.10.0 v4.0.1/v2.7.1

Static pages (version / run)

Canada.ca theme

Intranet.canada.ca theme

Local / performance testing

If you want to test the CDTS in a local environment or for a performance test, please email the CDTS' generic inbox at NC-SGDC-CDTS-GD@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca.

Documentation/Sample pages

Canada.ca theme

Implementation guide can be found here.

Extra sample pages for the Canada.ca theme can be found here.

GCIntranet theme

Implementation guide can be found here.

Extra sample pages for the GCIntranet theme can be found here.