Section menu

Description of page
	var defTop = document.getElementById("def-top");
	defTop.outerHTML ={
		"topSecMenu": true,
		"lngLinks": [{
			"lang": "fr",
			"href": "sectionmenu-fr.html",
			"text": "Français"
	var defPreFooter = document.getElementById("def-preFooter");
	defPreFooter.outerHTML = wet.builder.preFooter({
		"dateModified": "2019-03-08"

Section menu references

var secondarymenu = document.getElementById("wb-sec");
secondarymenu.innerHTML = wet.builder.secmenu({
	"sections": [{
		"sectionName": "[Topic - Local navigation]",
		"menuLinks": [{
			"href": "./sectionmenu-en.html",
			"text": "Section menu",
			"subLinks": [{
				"subhref": "#11a",
				"subtext": "Link 1.1 a)"
			}, {
				"subhref": "#11b",
				"subtext": "Link 1.1 b)"
			}, {
				"subhref": "#11c",
				"subtext": "Opens in a new window",
				"newWindow": true
			}, {
				"subhref": "#11d",
				"subtext": "Link 1.1 d)"
		}, {
			"href": "#",
			"text": "Link 2"
		}, {
			"href": "#",
			"text": "Opens in a new window",
			"newWindow": true
		}, {
			"href": "#",
			"text": "Link 4"
		"sectionName": "Opens in a new window",
		"sectionLink": "#",
		"newWindow": true,
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			"href": "#",
			"text": "Link 1"
		}, {
			"href": "#",
			"text": "Link 2"
		}, {
			"href": "#",
			"text": "Link 3"
		}, {
			"href": "#",
			"text": "Link 4"
		// Rinse and repeat
		"sectionName": "Section name 3",
		"menuLinks": [{
			"href": "#",
			"text": "Link 1"
		}, {
			"href": "#",
			"text": "Link 2"
		}, {
			"href": "#",
			"text": "Link 3"
		}, {
			"href": "#",
			"text": "Link 4"
		// Rinse and repeat
		"sectionName": "Section name ... 27",
		"menuLinks": [{
			"href": "#",
			"text": "Link 1"
		}, {
			"href": "#",
			"text": "Link 2"
		}, {
			"href": "#",
			"text": "Link 3"
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			"href": "#",
			"text": "Link 4"
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	defFooter.outerHTML = wet.builder.footer({